
Ets. Giorgetti, Sculptures is the third show by Aymeric Fouquez at Douches la Galerie.    His work on “anonymous sculptures”-- still situated in the North of France, his favorite territory--suggests a reflection on the sense that you can give to objects set here and there, in principle, without much consistency.


To go beyond appearances, offering several levels of interpretation, and reflecting on the gaps between the visible and the invisible are all elements that  always comprise a guideline in the work of Aymeric Fouquez.


It is with this aesthetic rigor that he did his series Nord on World War One sepultures in Belgium.  The gallery is also presenting new images made in 2011.

Press release

Ets. Giorgetti, Sculptures




The sublime is corrosive

Jacques Prévert, Fatras.



Ets. Giorgetti, Sculptures  comprises the second part of a forward looking work  that was begun several years ago in the North of France. 


This time it focuses on a sole place, Giorgetti & Co.--a coal business created in the ‘20’s by an immigrant Italian family whose third generation members continue to deliver rare bags of coal to a few neighboring houses.  They also supply fuel oil, gas, potatoes, endives and apples.  But the most striking part is not so much due to the number and variety of things you find there but the way they’re put together.  


The multitude of objects, animals, and materials that fill up the space is matched only by the ingenuity used to arrange the stuff in an orderly manner.  The order itself springs from an initial questioning.  And the result is a permeable line drawn between the useful and the obsolete, at the very point where chaos, inventiveness, time, and the random crisscross and take shape.


Aymeric Fouquez, April 2012