Thomas Boivin: Ici - Belleville, Ménilmontant, Place de la République
Les Douches la Galerie is pleased to present Thomas Boivin's new exhibition, Ici -Belleville, Ménilmontant, Place de la République, from February 17 to April 6, 2024.
Since 2010, Thomas Boivin has been pursuing his photographic work in the northeast of Paris, wandering around his home, strolling the streets, always favoring beautiful light. Portraits of passers-by or residents he meets in multicultural neighborhoodsand with whom he often establishes a dialogue, urban landscapes that bring out neglected corners, and his own black and white prints, with their subtly balanced shades of gray, have become his signature. Embracing theParis of Brassai, Marcel Bovis or Robert Doisneau, Thomas Boivin doesn't indulge in nostalgia eitherbut prefersto draw inspiration from the contemporary American scene, where Mark Steinmetz and Judith Joy Ross, portraitists extraordinaire, are notorious among his influences. When he's not photographing friends and family, or leaving the house, Thomas Boivin exploresstill lifes, echoing a pictorial tradition that also reflects his pronounced taste for simplicity and beauty.