John Baldessari Américain, 1931-2020
Pionnier de l'art conceptuel dans les années 1960, John Baldessari a initié une œuvre alliant à la fois texte, peinture et photographie. Après avoir détruit l’ensemble de ses œuvres réalisées entre 1953 et 1966, il s’est tourné vers la photographie en travaillant à partir d'images de films et de matériaux récupérés pour constituer des “tableaux de photographies”.
Son intérêt pour le langage, écrit et visuel, a été le fondement de sa pratique artistique et de son enseignement par lequel il a nourri et influencé des générations d'artistes dont, entre autres, Cindy Sherman, David Salle, et Barbara Kruger.
Né en 1931 en Californie.
Vit et travaille à Venice, Californie.
Élevé au rang de Doctor of Fine Arts en avril 2006
Reçoit le Lion d'or pour l'ensemble de son œuvre lors de la 53e Biennale de Venise, en septembre 2009.
1996-2007 : University of California, Los Angeles
1970-1988 : California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA
1967-1970 : University of California, San Diego. San Diego, CA
Expositions personnelles (sélection)
“John Baldessari,” Sprüth Magers Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA, February 24 – April 9, 2016.
“John Baldessari. The Städel Paintings,” Städel Museum. Frankfurt, Germany. November 5, 2015 – January 24, 2016.
“John Baldessari: Pictures and Scripts,” Marian Goodman Gallery. London, England, February 28 – April 25, 2015.
“John Baldessari: Early Work,” Marian Goodman Gallery. Paris, France, February 28 – April 11, 2015.
“John Baldessari: Movie Scripts/Art,” Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY, October 22 – November 22, 2014.
“John Baldessari: Scene ( ) / Take ( ),” Galerie Greta Meert. Brussels, Belgium, April 26 – June 28, 2014.
“The News,” Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl. New York, NY, September 25 – October 25, 2014.
“John Baldessari & Ed Ruscha,” Richard Levy Gallery. Albuquerque, NM, June 10 – July 25, 2014.
“John Baldesari 1 + 1 = 1,” Garage Center for Contemporary Culture. Moscow, Russia, September 21 – November 24, 2013.
“John Baldessari: Installation Works, 1987 – 1989,” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, New York, June 27 – August 23, 2013.
“Morsels and Snippets,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 13 – 16, 2013.
“John Baldessari: Crowds,” Mixografia and For Your Art, Los Angeles, CA, May 18 – June 16, 2013.
“Keep it Simple. Keep it Fresh,” Galerie Michael Janssen Singapore, Singapore. January 18 – March 10, 2013
“John Baldessari: Double Play,” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, October 19 – November 21, 2012.
“John Baldessari / Rirkrit Tiravanija,” 1301PE. Los Angeles, CA, July 28 – September 15, 2012.
“John Baldessari: Double Bill (Part 2),” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, May 12 – June 28, 2012.
“John Baldessari: Double Bill,” Marian Goodman Gallery Paris. Paris, France, April 6 – May 19, 2012.
“John Baldessari: Double Feature,” Sprüth Magers Berlin. Berlin, Germany, September 23 – October 29, 2011.
“Jen Liu & John Baldessari: Six Colorful Tales: From the Emotional Spectrum (Women), Ceri Hand Gallery. London, United Kingdom, September 16 – October 22, 2011.
“John Baldessari: I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art,” Le Case D’Arte. Milan, Italy, September 15, 2011 – February 29, 2012.
“John Baldessari: Double Vision,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 13 – July 30, 2011.
“John Baldessari: In de Wind,” Cultuurcentrum Strombeek. Strombeek-Bever, Belgium, April 15 – September 30, 2011.
“John Baldessari: New and Recent Prints,” Gemini G.E.L. Los Angeles, CA, April 4 – July 7, 2011.
“John Baldessari: Baldessari Sings LeWitt,” CAC, Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje. Bukovje, Slovenia, March 4-31, 2011.
“John Baldessari: Your Name in Lights,” Australian Museum, William Street façade. Sydney, Australia, January 8 - 30, 2011. Project with Kaldor Art Projects, presented as part of the Sydney Festival (Kaldor Art Project #23). Traveled to Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1 – 26, 2011.
“John Baldessari: Raw Prints,” Elisabeth Ivers Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, January 2011.
“John Baldessari: Movie Scenarios,” Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI). New York, NY, November 20, 2010. Introduced by artist discussion with JB.
“John Baldessari: Not Prints: Posters 1966–2010,” 1301PE Gallery. Los Angeles, CA. November 13 – December 18, 2010.
“John Baldessari: The Giacometti Variations,” Fondazione Prada. Milan, Italy, October 29 – December 26, 2010. Specific works exhibited on rotation from October 29 - November 15, from November 16 – December 6, and from December 7 - 26.
“John Baldessari: Sediment (Part 2),” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, October 21 – December 4, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Foot and Stocking (With Big Toe Exposed),” Gemini G.E.L. Los Angeles, CA, June 26 – September 3, 2010. Traveled to Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, NY, October 7 – November 6, 2010.
“A Is for Ant, B Is for Brain, Etc.: Selected Works by John Baldessari,” Mixografia®. Los Angeles, CA, June 14 – August 20, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Sediment,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, May 22 – July 31, 2010.
“John Baldessari: 1970s Film and Video Work,” VOX, Centre l’image contemporaine. Montreal, Canada, April 1 – May 1, 2010.
“Je ne ferai plus d’art ennuyeux,” École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Montpellier. Montpellier, France, March 12-19, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Noses & Ears, Etc.,” Galería La Caja Negra. Madrid, Spain, February 11 – March 20, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Blue Line (Holbein),” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, January 23 – March 27, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Why Borrow When You Can Steal,” Royale Projects. Indian Wells, CA, January 15 – February 13, 2010.
“A B C Art (Low Relief): A New Monumental Print by John Baldessari,” Mixografia®. Los Angeles, CA, December 10, 2009 – February 26, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Hands and/or Feet (Part Two),” Sprüth Magers Berlin. Berlin, Germany, November 20, 2009 – January 16, 2010.
“John Baldessari: Hands and/or Feet (Part One),” Marian Goodman Gallery Paris. Paris, France, October 17 – November 28, 2009.
“John Baldessari: Pure Beauty,” Tate Modern. London, United Kingdom, October 13, 2009 – January 10, 2010. Traveling to Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, February 11 – April 25, 2010; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA, June 27 – September 12, 2010; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, October 19, 2010 – January 9, 2011.
“John Baldessari: Ear Sofa; Nose Sconces with Flowers (in Stage Setting),” Sprüth Magers London. London, United Kingdom, October 12 – November 14, 2009.
“John Baldessari and Bruce Nauman: Venice/Venice,” Cirrus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, July 18 – August 22, 2009.
“John Baldessari: A Print Retrospective from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation,” Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor. San Francisco, CA, July 11 – November 8, 2009. Traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago IL, July 2 – September 26, 2010; Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Springs, CA, February 5 – June 26, 2011; Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego La Jolla, La Jolla, CA, February 5 – May 13, 2012.
“Similar Spirits: John Baldessari and Tristram Shandy,” Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor. San Francisco, CA, July 11 – November 8, 2009.
“John Baldessari: Raised Eyebrows / Furrowed Foreheads: Part IV,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 7 – August 8, 2009.
“John Baldessari: Raised Eyebrows / Furrowed Foreheads: Part III,” Galerie Greta Meert. Brussels, Belgium, May 13 – July 25, 2009.
“John Baldessari: Raised Eyebrows / Furrowed Foreheads: Part II,” Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art. Lisbon, Portugal, May 7 – June 20, 2009.
“John Baldessari: BRICK BLDG, LG WINDOWS W/ XLENT VIEWS, PARTIALLY FURNISHED, RENOWNED ARCHITECT,” Museum Haus Lange. Krefeld, Germany, March 1 – July 19, 2009.
“John Baldessari: Raised Eyebrows / Furrowed Foreheads,” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, November 25, 2008 – January 10, 2009.
“John Baldessari: Sailboat,” Mixografia. Los Angeles, CA, November 10 – December 27, 2008.
“John Baldessari and Koen Van Den Broek: This an Example of That,” Galerie Greta Meert and Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht (two parts in two locations). Brussels, Belgium, October 15 – November 22, 2008, and Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 5, 2008 – January 29, 2009.
“John Baldessari: BACA Laureate 2008,” Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht. Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 5, 2008 – January 25, 2009.
“John Baldessari and Matt Mullican: Pong,” Tracy Williams Ltd. New York, NY, May 2 – June 28, 2008.
“John Baldessari: Arms & Legs (Specif. Elbows & Knees), Etc., Part II,” Galería Pepe Cobo. Madrid, Spain, January 31 – March 22, 2008.
“John Baldessari and Lawrence Weiner: Video Works 1970-76,” The Apartment. Vancouver, Canada, January 26 – April 26, 2008.
“John Baldessari: Beethoven’s Trumpet; In One Ear and Out the Same Ear,” The Arts Club of Chicago. Chicago, IL, November 7, 2007 – January 18, 2008.
“John Baldessari and Alejandro Cesarco: Retrospective,” Murray Guy. New York, NY, November 3 – December 22, 2007. Exhibition featuring collaborative work made with Alejandro Cesarco.
“John Baldessari: Arms & Legs (Specif. Elbows & Knees), Etc.,” Marian Goodman Gallery Paris. Paris, France, October 19 – November 24, 2007.
“John Baldessari: Composition for Violin and Voices (Male),” Magasin, Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble. Grenoble, France, October 7, 2007 – January 6, 2008. Recreation of 1987 installation at Magasin, presented in conjunction with Jill Miller’s video, “I Am Making Art Too,” 2003.
“Selections from the Athenaeum’s Artists’ Books Collection: John Baldessari,” Athenaeum Music & Arts Library. La Jolla, CA, September 22 – November 3, 2012.
“John Baldessari: Noses & Ears, Etc. (Part Four),” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 1 – July 28, 2007.
“John Baldessari: Music,” curated by Stephan Gronert, Kunstmuseum Bonn. Bonn, Germany, May 12 – July 29, 2007. Presented in conjunction with “Beethoven’s Trumpet; In One Ear and Out the Same Ear” at the Bonner Kunstverein.
“John Baldessari: Beethoven’s Trumpet; In One Ear and Out the Same Ear,” curated by Christina Végh, Bonner Kunstverein. Bonn, Germany, May 12 – July 29, 2007. Presented in conjunction with “Music” at the Kunstmuseum Bonn.
“John Baldessari: Noses & Ears, Etc. (Part Three),” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, April 7 – May 5, 2007.
“John Baldessari: Noses & Ears, Etc.: The Gemini Series,” Gemini G.E.L at Joni Moisant Weyl. New York, NY, March 29 – May 12, 2007.
“John Baldessari: Eden: Adam and Eve (With Ear and Nose) Plus Serpent,” Portikus. Frankfurt am Main, Germany, February 9 – March 18, 2007.
John Baldessari: Noses & Ears, Etc. (Part Two),” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, October 19 - November 25, 2006.
“John Baldessari: The Prima Facie Series,” organized by Ann Cesteleyn, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens. Deurle, Belgium, September 17, 2006 - December 3, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Maquettes 1987 - 1994,” 1301PE Gallery. Los Angeles, CA. July 8 - September 16, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Composition for Violin and Voices (Male), 1987, Une œuvre de la collection,” Musée d’Art Contemporain Lyon. Lyon, France, June 16 - August 13, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Noses & Ears, Etc.,” Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art. Lisbon, Portugal, June 7 - September 9, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Stonehenge (with Two Persons) Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Violet,” Mixografia. Los Angeles, CA, May 13 – June 30, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Prima Facie (Fifth State),” Sprüth Magers Lee London. London, United Kingdom, April 28 - June 24, 2006.
"John Baldessari: Works 1982 - 1991,” Marian Goodman Gallery Paris. Paris, France, March 18 - April 22, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Raw Prints & Others, Estampes 1976 - 2005,” Florence Loewy. Paris France, March 18 - April 5, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Prima Facie (Fourth State),” Galerie Meert Rihoux. Brussels, Belgium, December 16, 2005 - January 28, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Guitars,” Richard Levy Gallery. Albuquerque, NM, November 4 - December 9, 2005.
“John Baldessari: Prima Facie (Third State),” Galería Pepe Cobo. Madrid, Spain, September 15 - November 10, 2005.
“John Baldessari: From Life,” curated by Marie de Brugerolle, Carré d’Art Musée d’Art Contemporain. Nimes, France, October 19, 2005 - January 8, 2006.
“John Baldessari: Prima Facie (Second State),” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 11 – July 30, 2005.
“John Baldessari: Person with Guitar Series,” Gemini G.E.L. Los Angeles, CA, May 17 - June 2005.
“John Baldessari: Prima Facie,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, April 9 - May 14, 2005.
"John Baldessari: The Blockage Series,” Marian Goodman Gallery Paris. Paris, France, March 11 - April 23, 2005.
“John Baldessari: Life’s Balance: Works 84-04,” curated by Adam Budak and Peter Pakesch, Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum. Graz, Austria. March 5 - May 16, 2005.
“John Baldessari: A Different Kind of Order (Works 1962-1984),” curated by Rainer Fuchs, MUMOK Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien. Vienna, Austria, March 4 - July 3, 2005.
“John Baldessari: I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art,” curated by Lee Plested, PLAySPACE Gallery, California College of the Arts. San Francisco, CA, January 28 - February 11, 2005.
“John Baldessari,” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, November 17, 2004 - January 8, 2005.
“John Baldessari: Jonathan Monk,” Galleri Nicolai Wallner. Copenhagen, Denmark, May 21 - July 17, 2004.
“Drift (A Work by John Baldessari, Julião Sarmento, and Lawrence Weiner),” curated by Delfim Sardo, Centro Cultural de Belém. Lisbon, Portugal, March 19 - May 30, 2004. Traveled to Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico. Film also projected at Art Basel Miami Beach, 2004, in the Moore Building parking lot, Miami Beach, FL.
“John Baldessari: Somewhere Between Almost Right and Not Quite (With Orange),” organized by Tracey Bashkoff, Deutsche Guggenheim. Berlin, Germany, October 30, 2004 - January 16, 2005. Traveled to Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen, Bremen, Germany, February 22 - March 27, 2005.
“John Baldessari: Recent Maquettes & Prints,” Art Affairs. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 7 - March 13, 2004.
“John Baldessari: A Lamp and Its Shadow,” Mixografia. Los Angeles, CA, January 11 – February 20, 2004.
“John Baldessari: Vertical/Horizontal Series,” Bernier/Eliades. Athens, Greece, December 11, 2003 - January 31, 2004.
“John Baldessari: The Duress Series,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich Switzerland, June 7 - July 19, 2003.
“John Baldessari: Editionen,” Galerie Gabriele Völkers. Hamburg, Germany, January 31 - April 5, 2003.
“Collection in Context: John Baldessari,” Orange County Museum of Art. Newport Beach, CA, May 6 – February 23, 2003.
“John Baldessari: Junctions and Intersections,” Monika Sprüth Philomene Magers. Cologne, Germany, October 31, 2002 - February 28, 2003.
“John Baldessari: Junctions and Intersections,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, October 26 - December 7, 2002.
“John Baldessari: The Intersection Series,” Primo Piano. Rome, Italy, May 7 - August 7, 2002.
“John Baldessari,” Marian Goodman Gallery Paris. Paris, France, May 3 - June 15, 2002.
“John Baldessari: Overlaps and Intersections,” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, February 14 - March 30, 2002.
“John Baldessari & John Hilliard,” Vilma Gold. London, United Kingdom, November 3 – December 2, 2001.
“John Baldessari,” Monika Sprüth Philomene Magers. Munich, Germany, June 2 - July 31, 2001.
“John Baldessari: The Overlap Series,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 2 - July 14, 2001.
“Baldessari: While Something Is Happening Here, Something Else Is Happening There: Works 1965-2001,” curated by Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson, Reykjavik Art Museum. Reykjavik, Iceland, March 31 - June 17, 2001.
“John Baldessari,” curated by Gabriella Belli, Museo d’Arte Moderna Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto. Trento, Italy, December 15, 2000 - March 11, 2001.
“John Baldessari,” Gallerie Brandstrup. Oslo, Norway, August 24 - September 10, 2000.
“John Baldessari: Selections from: The Goya Series - The Tetrad Series - The Elbow Series,” Galerie Meert Rihoux. Brussels, Belgium, May 25 – July 8, 2000.
“Baldessari: While Something Is Happening Here, Something Else Is Happening There: Works 1988 - 1999,” curated by Thomas Weski, Sprengel Museum Hannover. Hanover, Germany, September 26, 1999 - January 2, 2000. Traveled to Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany, January 15 - April 2, 2000.
“John Baldessari: The Elbow Series 1999,” Massimo Martino Fine Art & Projects. Mendrisio, Switzerland, June 2 - October 8, 1999.
“John Baldessari: Tetrad Series,” Marian Goodman Gallery. New York, NY, April 18 - May 21, 1999.
“Ich habe es gesehen: Baldessari und Goya,” Albertina im Akademiehof. Vienna, Austria, February 18 - March 28, 1999.
“John Baldessari: The Commissioned Paintings,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, November 14 - December 19, 1998. Traveled to Monika Sprüth Philomene Magers, Cologne, Germany, September 11 – October 16, 1999.
“John Baldessari: Recent Works,” Charim Klocker. Vienna, Austria, September 11 - November 7, 1998.
“Baldessari: 4 RMS W VU: Wallpaper, Lamps, and Plants. New,” curated by Bartomeu Marí (Rotterdam) and Rein Wolfs (Zurich), Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, January 25 - March 22, 1998. Presented concurrently with and in conjunction with an exhibition of the same name at the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, January 31 - March 22, 1998. Traveled to Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, July 16 - September 27, 1998. A video exhibition, “Home Screen Home,” curated by Michael Shamberg and not including work by JB, was shown in Rotterdam and Barcelona on televisions within the same exhibition space.
“John Baldessari,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, January 30 - March 14, 1998.
“John Baldessari: The Goya Series,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, January 10 - February 14, 1998.
“John Baldessari,” Theoretical Events. Naples, Italy, June 5 - July 31, 1997.
“John Baldessari: National City: Paintings from 1967 and 1996,” Galerie Philomene Magers. Cologne, Germany, May 23 - July 31, 1997.
“John Baldessari: The Goya Series,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, April 19 - May 31, 1997.
“John Baldessari,” Marian Goodman Gallery. Paris, France, April 4 - May 31, 1997.
“John Baldessari: 1990-1996,” Galerie Laage-Salomon. Paris, France, April 4 - May 17, 1997.
“John Baldessari,” Galeria Pedro Oliveira. Porto, Portugal, June 1 - July 13, 1996.
“John Baldessari,” PYO Gallery. Seoul, South Korea, June 4 - June 25, 1996.
“John Baldessari Recent Works,” Galerie Meert Rihoux. Brussels, Belgium, April 23 - June 1, 1996.
"John Baldessari, Bernd & Hilla Becher," Kamakura Gallery. Kanagawa, Japan, April 10 - May 10, 1996.
“John Baldessari: National City,” curated by Hugh M. Davies and Andrea Hales, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego. San Diego, CA, March 9 - June 19, 1996.
“John Baldessari,” Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Wien. Vienna, Austria, March 5 - April 27, 1996.
“John Baldessari,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, April 27 - June 1, 1996.
“John Baldessari,” Jürgen Becker Gallery. Hamburg, Germany, November 24, 1995 – February 24, 1996.
“John Baldessari: Prints From Cirrus Editions,” Lowinsky Gallery. New York, NY, November 2 - 30, 1995.
“This Not That,” Cornerhouse, curated by Stephen Snoddy, Manchester, United Kingdom, May 6 - June 25, 1995. Traveled to Serpentine Gallery, London, United Kingdom, July 12 - August 28, 1995; Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, September 21 - November 19, 1995; Moderna Galleria Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 14, 1995 - January 27, 1996; Museet for Samtidskunst, Oslo, Norway, February 17 - May 5, 1996; Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal, June 4 - September 1, 1996.
“John Baldessari: New Work,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, April 22 - May 20, 1995.
“John Baldessari: Books and Ephemera, 1971-1995,” curated by David Platzker, Printed Matter Inc. New York, NY, March 9 - April 28, 1995.
“John Baldessari, Gallery Inauguration,” Eli Broad Gallery at Pitzer College. Claremont, CA, February 24, 1995.
“John Baldessari,” Blancpain Stepczynski. Geneva, Switzerland, 1995.
“John Baldessari,” Monica Sprüth Galerie. Cologne, Germany, September 5 – November 4, 1995.
“John Baldessari,” Nichols Gallery at Pitzer College. Claremont, CA, November 14, 1994 - May 14, 1995.
“Artist’s Choice: John Baldessari, e.g. Grass, Water Heater, Mouths, & etc. (for John Graham),” Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 17 - May 10, 1994.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, September 17 - October 15, 1994.
“Monoprints: Six Table Lamps and Their Shadows: Thirty-Six Variations,” The Remba Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, September 10 - October 22, 1994.
“Los Angeles Mind Quakes: John Baldessari and 35 Artists from Los Angeles,” De Beyerd, Centrum voor Beeldende Kunst. Breda, The Netherlands, July 19 - September 11, 1994.
“Project 2: John Baldessari, Four Directional Pieces,” Newark Museum. Newark, NJ, April 13 - August 28, 1994.
“John Baldessari at Gemini G.E.L.,” Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl. New York, NY.
Galerie Klemens Gasser. Bolzano, Italy, December 13, 1993.
“John Baldessari.” Primo Piano, Rome, Italy, December 10, 1993 – January 31, 1994.
“John Baldessari: Working Materials,” Brooke Alexander Editions. New York, NY, closing October 16, 1993.
“John Baldessari,” Mai 36 Galerie. Zurich, Switzerland, June 8 - July 31, 1993.
“John Baldessari: Working Materials,” Chinati Foundation. Marfa, Texas, October 17 - December 20, 1992.
“John Baldessari: Recent Work,” Texas Gallery. Houston, TX, December 16, 1992 – January 30, 1993.
“John Baldessari: Originalarbeiten und Editionen,” Maximilian Verlag – Sabine Knust. Munich, Germany, November 12 – December 9, 1992.
“John Baldessari / Claes Oldenburg: (Scale/ Selection/ Narration),” curated by David Platzker, The Richard F. Bush Gallery, St. Lawrence University. Canton, NY, October 6 - November 6, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, September 19 - October 10, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” Casa da Parra. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 10 - October 10, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, May 21 - June 27, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” Galerie Meert Rihoux. Brussels, Belgium, April 30 – May 30, 1992.
“John Baldessari: Selected Prints, 1987-1991,” Mai 36 Galerie. Lucerne, Switzerland, May 2 - 30, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” Galerie Crousel-Robelin Bama. Paris, France, November 28, 1991 - January 11, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” C. Grimaldis Gallery. Baltimore, MD, December 5, 1990 - January 12, 1991.
“John Baldessari,” Galería Weber, Alexander Y Cobo. Madrid, Spain, November 21, 1991 - January 25, 1992.
“John Baldessari,” Donald Young Gallery. Chicago, IL, starting January 11, 1991.
“John Baldessari,” Mai 36 Galerie. Lucerne, Switzerland, May 11- June 22, 1991.
“John Baldessari: New Editions,” Cirrus Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, September 8 - November 10, 1990.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, September 22 - October 13, 1990.
“John Baldessari, Composition for Violin and Voices (Male),” Musée d’Art Contemporain Lyon. Lyon, France, May 18 - June 14, 1990.
“Various (Male) Responses to Nature (Near and Far),” Photographic Resource Center. Boston, MA, May 4 - June 24, 1990.
“John Baldessari: Prints 1986 - 1990,” Brooke Alexander. New York, NY, April 24 - June 6, 1990.
“John Baldessari: Hegel’s Cellar,” Pence Gallery. Santa Monica, CA, May 26 – July 7, 1990.
“John Baldessari,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, April 21 - May 26, 1990.
“John Baldessari,” curated by Mary Jane Jacob, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA, March 25 - June 17, 1990. Traveled to San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, July 12 - September 9, 1990; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC, October 16, 1990 - January 6, 1991; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, February 3 - April 28, 1991; The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, July 10 - October 13, 1991; Musée d'Art Contemporain de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, November 21, 1991 - February 13, 1992.
“Survey of Graphic Works,” Christopher Grimes Gallery. Santa Monica, CA, June 28 – August 23, 1990.
“Artschwager/Baldessari,” Grossman Gallery, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston, MA, October 27 - November 29, 1989.
“John Baldessari: Recent Works,” Galerie Meert Rihoux. Brussels, Belgium, May 20 - June 30, 1989.
“John Baldessari,” Lawrence Oliver Gallery. Philadelphia, PA, February 3 - March 4, 1989. Brochure with text by Rosetta Brooks.
“Ni por Ésas / Not Even So: John Baldessari,” Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Madrid, Spain, January 11 - February 20, 1989. Traveled to CAPC Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France, as “John Baldessari: Oeuvres de 1966 à 1988,” March 10 - April 23, 1989; IVAM, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Valencia, Spain, May 15 - July 15, 1989.
“John Baldessari: Laurence Sterne's The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, January 7 - 28, 1989.
“John Baldessari: Recent Editions,” Stephen Wirtz Gallery. San Francisco, CA, January 5 - 28, 1989.
“John Baldessari: Laurence Sterne's The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, November 19 - December 23, 1988.
“John Baldessari: Oeuvres Récentes,” Palais des Beaux-Arts. Brussels, Belgium, September 18 - November 6, 1988.
“John Baldessari: Opere Recenti,” Primo Piano. Rome, Italy, May 18 - July 1988.
“John Baldessari,” Lisson Gallery. London, United Kingdom, May 16 - June 25, 1988.
“John Baldessari Oeuvres Récentes,” Galerie Laage-Salomon. Paris, France, May 27 - June 25, 1988.
“John Baldessari Recent Works,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, April 9 - May 14, 1988.
“John Baldessari: Photoarbeiten,” Kestner-Gesellschaft Hannover. Hanover, West Germany, December 9, 1988 - January 29, 1989.
“John Baldessari: A Print Retrospective,” Cirrus Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, December 11, 1988 - January 21, 1989.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, November 7 - 28, 1987.
“John Baldessari,” Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Castello di Rivoli. Rivoli, Italy, May - June 1987.
“Composition for Violin and Voices (Males),” Magasin, Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble. Grenoble, France, May 3 - June 28, 1987.
“John Baldessari: Recent Work,” Dart Gallery Alternative Space. Chicago, IL, May 8 -June 9, 1987.
Fotogaleria Im Forum Stadtpark. Graz, Austria, February 28 - March 22, 1987.
“John Baldessari: Hegel's Cellar,” Multiples, Inc. New York, NY, December 9, 1986 - January 3, 1987. Traveled to Site 311, Pacific Grove, CA, October 16 - November 28, 1987.
Galerie Peter Pakesch. Vienna, Austria, November 18 - December 12, 1986.
“John Baldessari,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, September 13 - October 18, 1986.
“John Baldessari: California Viewpoints,” Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Santa Barbara, CA, August 23 - October 12, 1986.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, April 5 - 26, 1986.
“John Baldessari: Matrix 94,” University Art Museum, University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley, CA, March 20 - May 20, 1986.
“Space Between,” De Vleeshal Middelburg. Middelburg, The Netherlands, July 12 - August 4, 1985. Brochure with text by Anton van Gemert.
“On Kawara /John Baldessari: Moments/jours/années,” organized by Le Coin du Miroir (Dijon, France), Le Consortium. Dijon, France, March 11 - April 8, 1985.
“John Baldessari,” Galerie Gillespie-Laage-Salomon. Paris, France, October 13 - November 21, 1984.
“John Baldessari,” Margo Leavin Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, September 15 - October 13, 1984.
“John Baldessari,” Galerie Peter Pakesch. Vienna, Austria, June 5 - July 28. 1984.
“John Baldessari: Selected Works from 1974-1984,” Douglas Drake Gallery. Kansas City, MO, April 6 - 28, 1984.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, April 7 - 28, 1984.
“John Baldessari/Robert Cumming,” Northlight Gallery, Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ, October 16 - November 10, 1983.
“John Baldessari: Vanitas Series: Balanced Bowling Ball, Cockroach/Cool (Short Depth of Field) Bubbles/Dandelion, Cockroach, Wire (Close Up),” Stampa. Basel, Switzerland, June 7 - July 2, 1983.
“Baldessari/Richter,” Marianne Deson Gallery. Chicago, IL, May 19 - June 23, 1983.
“John Baldessari,“ Arte Viva. Basel, Switzerland, January 26 – February 25, 1983.
“John Baldessari: Art As Riddle,” organized by Robert Pincus-Witten, University Art Galleries, Wright State University. Dayton, OH, January 1, 1982. Traveled to the Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA, May 16 - June 20, 1982; Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, September 2 - 26, 1982.
“John Baldessari: Work 1966 - 1980,” organized by Marcia Tucker, The New Museum of Contemporary Art. New York, NY, Part I: March 14 - April 4, 1981; Part II: April 8 - 28, 1981. Traveled as “John Baldessari: Werken 1966 - 1981,” to Municipal Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 22 - June 21, 1981; Museum Folkwang Essen, Essen, West Germany, September 4 - October 18, 1981; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH, January 14 - February 21, 1982; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX, March 6 - April 18, 1982.
“John Baldessari: Shape Derived from Subject (Snake): Used As a Framing Device to Produce New Photographs,” CEPA Gallery/Hallwalls. Buffalo, NY, April 3 - May 17, 1981. Traveled to Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich, West Germany, June 11 - July 11, 1981; Sonnabend Gallery, New York, NY, September 19 - October 10, 1981.
“John Baldessari: Selected Works,” Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Buffalo, NY, April 5 - May 17, 1981.
“John Baldessari: Films,” Hallwalls. Buffalo, NY, April 13, 1981.
Samangallery. Genoa, Italy, 1981.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, closing November 8, 1981.
“John Baldessari,” Galleria Locus Solus. Genoa, Italy, April 29 - May 20, 1980.
“Oasis: John Baldessari, Title,” Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art Downtown. Los Angeles, CA, September 28, 1980.
“John Baldessari: Fugitive Essays,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, October 18 - November 8, 1980.
“John Baldessari,” InK. Halle für Internationale Neue Kunst. Zurich, Switzerland, August 14 - September 21, 1979.
“John Baldessari: Blasted Allegories,” Portland Center for the Visual Arts. Portland, OR, January 20 - February 19, 1978.
“John Baldessari: Films,” Artists Space. New York, NY, March 22 - 23, 1978.
“Recent Films by John Baldessari,” Theatre Vanguard. Los Angeles, CA, March 28, 1978.
“John Baldessari: Recent Work: Blasted Allegories (Colorful Sentences),” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, September 23 - October 14, 1978.
“John Baldessari: Three Films,” Pacific Film Archives. Berkeley, CA, September 14, 1978.
“Baldessari: New Films,” Whitney Museum of American Art. New York, NY, 1978.
Institute of Contemporary Art. Boston, MA, 1978.
“CLOSE Radio: John Baldessari,” KPFK, 90.7 FM. Los Angeles, CA, February 14, 1977.
“John Baldessari: Photographic Works,” Robert Self Ltd. London, United Kingdom, February - March 1977.
Julian Pretto Gallery. New York, NY, April - May 1977.
“John Baldessari: Six Colorful Inside Jobs,” 1493 West Washington Boulevard. Los Angeles, CA, October 10 - 15, 1977. During this exhibition a worker painted the room six different colors and this action was recorded by time lapse photography. The resulting film was shown in “John Baldessari/Films: Six Colorful Inside Jobs, and Script,” Fox Venice Theatre, Venice, CA, October 29, 1977. Exhibitions organized by Foundation for Art Resources, Santa Monica, CA.
“John Baldessari: Matrix 32,” Wadsworth Atheneum. Hartford, CT, June 7 - September 18, 1977. Brochure with text by Andrea Miller-Keller.
“New American Filmmakers Series/Baldessari: New Films,” Whitney Museum of American Art. New York, NY, December 27, 1977 - January 1, 1978. Screenings of JB’s Six Colorful Inside Jobs and Script.
Galeria Massimo Valsecchi. Milan, Italy, 1977.
“John Baldessari: Recent Work,” Gallery of Fine Art, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, February 2 – 14, 1976. Traveled to Emily H. Davis Art Gallery, University of Akron, Akron, OH. February 23 - March 1, 1976.
“New American Filmmakers Series: Baldessari/Wegman,” Whitney Museum of American Art. New York, NY, June 1 - 6, 1976.
“John Baldessari,” George Paton Gallery, University of Melbourne. Parkville, Victoria, Australia, June 1 - 8, 1976. Traveled to Experimental Art Foundation, St. Peters, Adelaide, Australia, June 28 - July 16, 1976; Undercroft Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, July 26 - August 20, 1976; Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia, September 5 - October 3, 1976; Institute of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia, October 11 - 29, 1976. Also exhibited at Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand, as part of “1st Pan Pacific Biennale 1976: Colour Photography and Its Derivatives” (group exhibition).
“John Baldessari: Recent Work,” James Corcoran Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, September 23 - October 23, 1976.
“Bruce Boice/John Baldessari,” South Campus Art Gallery, Miami Dade Community College. Miami, FL, December 6, 1976 - January 19, 1977.
Cirrus Editions. Los Angeles, CA, 1976.
“John Baldessari: Songs (1973),” Fine Art Gallery, University of California at Irvine. Irvine, CA, January 7 - February 9, 1975.
Saman Gallery. Genoa, Italy, March 21 - April 8, 1975.
Felix Handschin. Basel, Switzerland, April 1975.
“John Baldessari: The Italian Tape,” The Kitchen. New York, NY, April 8 -12, 1975.
Southwestern College. Chula Vista, CA, October 10 - 31, 1975.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, October 4 - November 12, 1975.
“John Baldessari: Recent Work,” Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 22, 1975 - January 4, 1976.
“John Baldessari,” Galerie Sonnabend. Paris, France, November 27 - December 1975.
“John Baldessari: Affectionate Yellow/Giallo, Affezionato, Morbid Red/Rosso Morboso, Vindictive Blue/Azzurro Vendicativo,” Lucio Amelio. Naples, Italy, starting December 6, 1975.
Galerie MTL. Brussels, Belgium, 1975.
Modern Art Agency. Naples, Italy, 1975.
Felix Handschin Gallery. Basel, Switzerland, 1975.
“John Baldessari,” Galleria Toselli. Milan, Italy, April 30 - May 1974.
“John Baldessari,” Jack Wendler Gallery. London, United Kingdom, May 3 - 24, 1974.
Galerie MTL. Brussels, Belgium, September 2 - 26, 1974.
Art & Project/MTL. Antwerp, Belgium, September 17 - October 19, 1974.
Galerie Skulima. Berlin, West Germany, 1974.
“John Baldessari,” Sonnabend Gallery. New York, NY, April 28 - May 12, 1973.
“John Baldessari,” Galerie Sonnabend. Paris, France, May 23 - June 1973.
“John Baldessari,” Galeria Schema. Florence, Italy, May 30 - July 30, 1973.
“John Baldessari,” Konrad Fischer. Düsseldorf, West Germany, August 4 - 31, 1973.
“John Baldessari: Paintings 1967-69,” Palomar College. San Marcos, CA, April 19 – May 13, 1973.
“John Baldessari: 1. Choosing: Mushrooms. 2. Xylophone (videotape),” Galerie MTL. Brussels, Belgium, April 4 - May 15, 1972.
“John Baldessari: Video Tapes,” Jack Wendler Gallery. London, United Kingdom, April 7 - 21, 1972.
“John Baldessari: Choosing, Aligning, Floating,” Galleria Toselli. Milan, Italy, starting April 14, 1972.
“John Baldessari: Choosing: Carrots, Asparagus,” Art & Project. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 8 - 22, 1972.
Galerie MTL. Brussels, Belgium, September 1972.
Sperone/Fischer Gallery. Rome, Italy, October 10 - November 7, 1972.
“John Baldessari: I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art,” Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Halifax, Canada, April 1 - 10, 1971.
“John Baldessari: Art Disasters,” Art & Project. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 3 - 15, 1971.
“John Baldessari: Ingres and Other Parables.” Konrad Fischer. Düsseldorf, West Germany, October 8 - 22, 1971.
Eugenia Butler Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, February 17 - March 7, 1970.
“John Baldessari: Recent Paintings,” Richard Feigen Gallery. New York, NY, March 1 - April 8, 1970.
“John Baldessari and Robert Matheny: Wholes & A Sum of Parts,” Purcell Art Gallery, Chapman College. Santa Ana, CA, February 21 - March 16, 1968.
“John Baldessari: Pure Beauty,” Molly Barnes Gallery. Los Angeles, CA, October 6-28, 1968.
“John Baldessari: Fragments,” La Jolla Museum of Art. La Jolla, CA, March 30 - April 24, 1966.
“John Baldessari and Richard Allen Morris,” Extension Office, University of California at San Diego. La Jolla, CA, June 22 - August 14, 1964.
Southwestern College. Chula Vista, CA, 1964.
“John Baldessari: X Exhibition,” Art Works Galleries. San Diego, CA, June 29 -July 19, 1962.
“Jazz at the Art Center #5,” produced by Robert Fries, Sherwood Hall, Art Center in La Jolla. La Jolla, CA, October 13, 1962.
Southwestern College. Chula Vista, CA, 1962.
Art Center in La Jolla. La Jolla, CA, March 23 - April 24, 1960.
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Portfolios #3
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